
A page where I collect side-projects, drawings, stuff I like to try.

Don't worry.

Nothing serious.


I wakeboard 🏄🏼‍♂️ 🌊

Papers and Essays

Master in Digital Innovation Thesis - Human-Computer Interaction and Design
Politechnical University of Madrid

The subject of study of this master thesis takes place in a project that aims to define and solve the current goals and requirements for a CAI tool with embedded Artificial Intelligence features dedicated to Oral and Sign-Language Interpreters. The objective of this master thesis dissertation is to describe the steps needed, and the qualitative result, of the application of User-Centered Design methodologies over the prototyping of a CAI tool, with a particular focus on how to implement the UCD methodologies to enhance accessibility and inclusivity.

Author: Giona Fossati
Supervisor: Prof. Elena Villalba Mora

Business Case Report and Solution Presentation for Summer School Challenge
Winning Idea

In this case, the digital product studio "3fs" aims to design a new tech-supported service for geriatric care. They would like this service to build on their existing expertise in the Internet of Things (IoT), Augmented Reality, and health management records. Research (through desktop research and stakeholder interviews) was conducted to identify existing problems in geriatric care. Leading to the conceptualization of a solution for non-formal/non-professional caregivers of elderly people: the Dementia Monitoring Starter Kit. IoT-based solution for telemonitoring and emotional support that adapts to the need of the single user with a subscription-based business model-

Authors: G. Fossati, S.R. Srinivasan, T.J.T. Roelofs
University of Lubijana 

Comunicare efficacemente le proprie scelte di design

In questo report finale è stata rivolta l’attenzione sull’aspetto comunicativo del lavoro dello UX Designer. In questo testo vengono utilizzate e rielaborate delle idee dal libro "Articulating Design Decisions" di Tom Greever, integrando episodi e consigli derivanti dall’esperienza di tirocinio svolta da Gennaio a Luglio 2019. Durante questa esperienza professionalizzante sono state applicate sul campo tecniche apprese a livello accademico, riadattate a specifici contesti di lavoro, e sperimentate nuove tipologie di comunicazione ispirate al testo sopra citato. Questo report è stato poi redatto cercando di astrarre e sistematizzare gli approcci rivelatisi più efficaci durante l’esperienza.

Author: Giona Fossati
Supervisor: Prof. Massimo Zancanaro

University of Technology of Troyes, Troyes, France

With this experiment we wanted to study multisensorial manifestation at a high level, so the way it modifies the perception of a rich context, like watching a movie. In this experiment, we investigated the way it changes the experience, the interpretation of a determinate scene, and the performance in a recall task in participants that had to watch 3 clips from the movie “Youth - La giovinezza” by Paolo Sorrentino while being stimulated through tactile or taste stimuli.

Authors: Francesco Bonso, Giona Fossati, Valentina Marana, Anita Pendin, Giulia Rutigliano
Tutors: Ines di Loreto, Pascal Salembier

Short essay based on Donald A. Norman's book: "Living with Complexity". 

Vagliare le possibilità di applicazione dell’automazione nella gestione della complessità quotidiana: questa, se progettata ed applicata con cautela, può rivelarsi un valido alleato degli utenti. Pertanto, verrà indagato  come l’applicazione inappropriata di un processo automatico porti al fallimento e ad una complicazione aggiuntiva di un prodotto o di un servizio.

Would you like a bed that turns into a desk?

I bet you do if you live in a 25m² Parisian aparment.


Perfume bottle that lets you hug her



2024 © Giona Fossati

